Nintendo Ring Fit Adventure (Switch)2019, Barnevennlig, Eventyr, Sport, Fighting, Turbasert, Party, Dans, Action, 7 år(6)729 ,-
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Switch)2018, Eventyr, Sport, Historiske, Fighting, Plattform, Turbasert, Dans, Action, Online multiplayer, Lokal multiplayer, 12 år(21)639 ,-
Minecraft: Switch Edition (Switch)2017, Barnevennlig, Eventyr, Simulator, Skrekk, Fighting, Plattform, Puslespill, Arkad, Musikk, Sandbox, Overlevelse, Shooter, Action, Online multiplayer, Lokal multiplayer, 7 år(1)299 ,-
New Super Mario Bros. U - Deluxe Edition (Switch)2019, Barnevennlig, Eventyr, Fighting, Plattform, Arkad, Sidskrollande, Action, Lokal multiplayer, 3 år(6)579 ,-
Rayman Legends - Definitive Edition (Switch)2017, Eventyr, Fighting, Plattform, Dans, Action, Lokal multiplayer, 7 år(3)195 ,-
Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition (Switch)2018, Eventyr, RPG, Fantasy, Fighting, Arkad, Action, Lokal multiplayer, 12 år(2)647 ,-
Hyrule Warriors - Age of Calamity (Switch)2020, Eventyr, Fighting, Puslespill, Overlevelse, Action, Online multiplayer, Lokal multiplayer, 12 år(3)599 ,-
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Switch)2017, Eventyr, Simulator, RPG, Fantasy, Fighting, Turbasert, Åpen verden, Action, 18 år(1)621 ,-
LEGO Harry Potter Collection (Switch)2018, Barnevennlig, Eventyr, Sport, Fantasy, Fighting, Plattform, Puslespill, Arkad, Dans, Action, Lokal multiplayer, 7 år(1)250 ,-
Dark Souls - Remastered (Switch)2018, Eventyr, RPG, Fantasy, Fighting, Plattform, Turbasert, Arkad, Action, Online multiplayer, 16 år(4)349 ,-
Astral Chain (Switch)2019, Eventyr, Fighting, Puslespill, Beat 'em up, Action, Lokal multiplayer, 12 år(3)674 ,-
Street Fighter: 30th Anniversary Collection (Switch)Sport, Fighting, Musikk, Online multiplayer, Lokal multiplayer, 12 år374 ,-
Pokkén Tournament DX (Switch)2017, Barnevennlig, Fighting, Arkad, Action, Online multiplayer, Lokal multiplayer, 7 år(2)629 ,-
Kirby Star Allies (Switch)2018, Barnevennlig, Eventyr, Fighting, Plattform, Puslespill, Turbasert, Arkad, Party, Dans, Action, Lokal multiplayer, 7 år(6)632 ,-
Bayonetta 2 (Switch)2018, Eventyr, Motorsport/Racing, FPS, Fighting, Beat 'em up, Shooter, Action, Online multiplayer, 18 år612 ,-
Xenoblade Chronicles - Definitive Edition (Switch)2020, Eventyr, RPG, Fighting, Plattform, Party, Dans, Action, 12 år(1)599 ,-
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore (Switch)2020, Eventyr, RPG, Fighting, Turbasert, Online multiplayer, 12 år624 ,-
Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers (Switch)2017, Fighting, Online multiplayer, Lokal multiplayer, 12 år476 ,-
Fire Emblem Warriors (Switch)2017, Eventyr, Strategi, RPG, Fighting, Turbasert, Arkad, Hack and Slash, Action, 12 år(3)499 ,-
Miitopia (Switch)2021, Barnevennlig, Eventyr, RPG, Fantasy, Fighting, Puslespill, Turbasert, Party, Action, 7 år(2)499 ,-
Final Fantasy VII & VIII Remastered - Twin Pack (Switch)2019, Eventyr, RPG, Fantasy, Fighting, Turbasert, Action, Online multiplayer, 16 år(1)379 ,-
Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom - The Prince's Edition (Switch)2021, Eventyr, RPG, Fighting, Musikk, 12 år276 ,-
Doom (Switch)2017, Eventyr, FPS, Sci-fi, Fighting, Plattform, Turbasert, Shooter, Førsteperson, Action, Online multiplayer, 18 år(1)170 ,-
21%Splatoon 2 (Switch)2017, Barnevennlig, Eventyr, Sport, FPS, Krig, Fighting, Plattform, Turbasert, Arkad, Party, Dans, Shooter, Tredjeperson, Action, Online multiplayer, 7 år(14)419 ,-
Immortals: Fenyx Rising (Switch)2020, Eventyr, Fantasy, Fighting, Puslespill, Turbasert, Dans, Åpen verden, Action, 13 år(1)219 ,-
Arms (Switch)2017, Barnevennlig, Sport, Fighting, Flysimulator, Action, Online multiplayer, Lokal multiplayer, 7 år(2)599 ,-
Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove (Switch)2017, Barnevennlig, Eventyr, Fighting, Plattform, Flysimulator, Puslespill, Action, Lokal multiplayer, 7 år296 ,-
6%Borderlands - Legendary Collection (Switch)2020, RPG, FPS, Fighting, Jakt/fiske, Shooter, Førsteperson, Action, 17 år200 ,-
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age (Switch)2019, Eventyr, RPG, Krig, Fighting, Turbasert, Musikk, Action, 16 år390 ,-
Dragon Ball FighterZ (Switch)2018, FPS, Fighting, Arkad, Dans, Shooter, Førsteperson, Online multiplayer, Lokal multiplayer, 12 år300 ,-
Spongebob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom - Rehydrated (Switch)2020, Barnevennlig, Eventyr, Fighting, Plattform, Puslespill, 3 år295 ,-
LEGO The Incredibles (Switch)2018, Eventyr, Fighting, Plattform, Puslespill, Arkad, Action, 7 år(1)174 ,-
Disgaea 5 - Complete (Switch)2017, Eventyr, Strategi, RPG, Motorsport/Racing, Fighting, Turbasert, Action, 12 år(1)515 ,-