Naruto to Boruto: Shinobi Striker (PS4)Barnevennlig, Eventyr, Fantasy, Fighting, Plattform, Beat 'em up, Action, 12 år, 2018149 ,-
Far Cry 6 - Gold Edition (PS4)FPS, Shooter, Førsteperson, Åpen verden, Action, Far Cry, 18 år, 20211 195 ,-
Stick it to the Man! (PS4)Barnevennlig, Eventyr, Plattform, Puslespill, Arkad, Action, 12 år, 2015(1)99 ,-
Legend of Kay - Anniversary (PS4)Barnevennlig, Eventyr, Fighting, Plattform, Action, 12 år, 2015156 ,-
Dead Cells: Action Game of the Year (PS4)Eventyr, Fantasy, Fighting, Plattform, Action, 16 år, 2019311 ,-
PixARK (PS4)Barnevennlig, Eventyr, Strategi, RPG, RTS, Sandbox, Overlevelse, Åpen verden, Action, 12 år, 2019124 ,-
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood (PS4)Barnevennlig, Eventyr, Plattform, Arkad, Action, 12 år, 2017193 ,-
Mirror's Edge: Catalyst (PS4)Eventyr, FPS, Plattform, Arkad, Shooter, Førsteperson, Action, 16 år, 2016198 ,-
The Order: 1886 (PS4)Eventyr, FPS, Fantasy, Plattform, Shooter, Tredjeperson, Action, 18 år, 2015(25)299 ,-